How Registered Apprenticeship Led Me From Black History to Black Opportunity
In 2006, as an apprentice construction craft laborer in Milwaukee, I helped build one of the I-43 underpasses on Fond Du Lac Avenue. The bridge is well known throughout Wisconsin for the murals that adorn it, including one that tells the story of a man named Joshua Glover.
East Mississippi Community College Stands Ready to Help Workers Brush Up on Skills
A $200,000 grant at East Mississippi Community College is expected to benefit local industries. The school will use the money for training to improve the skills of workers already employed at manufacturing companies.
Welcome to the Team: LaShonda
LaShonda Barnes joined the MAP team on November 16, 2021 as an Apprenticeship Expansion Specialist. Her target area for apprenticeship expansion will be the Mississippi Delta region. This area’s key industries consist of agriculture and manufacturing.
Robin Stewart speaks on National Apprenticeship Week, 2021
Interim Executive Director for the Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) speaks on National Apprenticeship Week.
State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 Grantees
MAP is excited to announce the newest grant award recipients for the State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 grant (SAE). MAP is continuing its long-standing sponsor community college partnerships with Hinds Community College, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, and Pearl River Community College.
MAP Supports Crews and Ferrell in Launching Their First RA Program
Brittany Crews with Crews, Ferrell, and Associates Inc., and Brittany Morris, Apprenticeship State Expansion Specialist at The Mississippi Apprenticeship Program (MAP), speak on their collaboration, and an exciting new apprenticeship opportunity.
Northtown Pharmacy Teams With MAP for Success
A dynamic independent pharmacy has opened at 6220 Old Canton Road. Dr. Andrew Clark is the pharmacist and owner of Northtown Pharmacy in the heart of bustling northeast Jackson. One of Northtown Pharmacy’s founding principles is offering the personal customer service and patient care that large chain pharmacies can’t provide.
Welcome to the Team: Carolyn
Carolyn Green, one of MAP’s newest team members, is excited about her role with the Mississippi Apprenticeship Program. Carolyn will serve as the Technical Assistant for MAP’s Workforce Integrated Performance System and Reporting Modules. “In my role”, Green says, I will manage the Registered Apprenticeship (RA) data system in MS Works.” She is looking forward […]
Celebrating Phillip Duke
We’re celebrating veteran apprentice, Phillip Duke and his new role as Pearl River Community College’s Manufacturing and Apprenticeship Specialist.