Elevating Registered Apprenticeship in Mississippi, One New Team and Several Ambitious Goals
We are excited to announce two new team members--Johna Peyton and Matthew Riley--who will continue to build on the success of the program and lead efforts to grow and expand Registered Apprenticeship opportunities in the state.
Looking Back and Looking Forward
The MAP team took a trip to visit several Registered Apprenticeship programs across the country in 2018 which provided key insights that helped to shape our work throughout the year and guide our goals for 2019.
Registered Apprenticeship: An Investment in Your Business’s Future
By providing a tool for businesses to create a pipeline of skilled workers and build more capable employees, stronger companies, and better products, Registered Apprenticeship offers the greatest short- and long-term training benefits.
National Apprenticeship Week 2018
National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) is an annual, weeklong series of events spearheaded by the United States Department of Labor to raise awareness about the value of apprenticeship opportunities in the United States.
Explore a New Way to Work
Dr. Mayfield as executive director of the Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB) discusses her goals through Mississippi Apprenticeship Program.