Economic Empowerment, Apprenticeships, and The Minority Male Leadership Initiative (M2M)

Ahmad Smith and Josh Bower pictures

Now more than ever, it is important to be competitive in the workplace. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought on unemployment, job loss, and diminished income for thousands of communities across the nation. But for African American communities, these financial consequences have been especially dire and have created additional barriers for young men to secure steady […]

Why Registered Apprenticeship Programs Are the Key to Boosting Employment

Laura Ring Headshot

As COVID-19 cases decrease, and businesses across the country re-open, it’s important to know how to encourage, guide, and retain new employees. This is especially relevant considering that federal pandemic-related unemployment benefits end this month for many Mississippians.  People that are currently unemployed may be looking for new career paths once these benefits end, and […]

On Work-Based Learning: An Interview with Work-Based Learning Program Supervisor, Carol Ballard

Carol Ballard Headshot

From resource shortages to high unemployment rates, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought a myriad of adversities to the state of Mississippi. Now more than ever, communities need ways to train and prepare their youth for the workforce, which is why work-based learning and apprenticeship programs are essential to improving and developing the state’s economy. Organizations […]

Welcome to the team: Chris

Chris Seay Headshot

One of MAP’s newest Apprenticeship State Expansion Specialists, Chris Seay, says she’s excited about her new position.  “My role,” Seay says “is to increase the number of employers and people participating in Registered Apprenticeship Programs.”  Seay says there is a “high need” in Mississippi for a more skilled workforce and is determined to help make […]

Welcome to the team: Brittany

Brittany Morris Headshot

Brittany Morris, one of MAP’s newest team members, looks forward to “happiness, helping others, and [driving] a network of people to positive end results”. Morris will serve as MAP’s Apprenticeship State Expansion Specialist, and will work in business engagement to promote registered apprenticeships across the state of Mississippi. “My role in the apprenticeship program will […]

On Economic Development: Thoughts from Acting Executive Director, Curnis Upkins

Picture of Curnis Upkins

Curnis Upkins III, Acting Executive Director at Hinds County Economic Development Authority, speaks on the importance of National Economic Development Week, finding that first “career job,” and how efforts that increase economic development, such as apprenticeship programs, help improve communities across the state.

On Economic Development: An Interview with Executive Director, Gwen Howard

Picture of Gwen Howard

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, Mississippi had the 33rd highest unemployment rate in the country last month. The Bureau also reported that Mississippi experienced a significant decrease in employment, when compared to last year’s employment numbers–with nearly 34,000 jobs lost from March 2020 to March 2021.

Tonya Campbell’s Success Story

Tonya Campbell, an apprentice with Innovative Systems Group (ISG), discusses ISG’s Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program (ISG-CAP) that has been registered and certified by both ApprenticeshipNC and the U.S. Department of Labor. This program is also registered in Mississippi. Innovative Systems Group (ISG), based in Raleigh, N.C., has offered an effective and ground-breaking registered apprenticeship program in […]

Judaline Cassidy’s Success Story

Judaline Cassidy is a feminist plumber, an activist for tradeswomen, and a public speaker.  A native of the twin islands of Trinidad and Tobago, Judaline was among the first three women selected to learn plumbing at the John Donaldson Technical Institute of Trinidad, which is now known as the University of Trinidad and Tobago. Judaline […]

Shannon Tymosko’s Success Story

Picture of Shannon Tymosko

Shannon Tymosko, based in proximity to Toronto, Canada, is an apprentice electrician, and an advocate, educator, and ambassador for women in the skilled trades.  She is an active leader in KickAss Careers–a Canadian-based organization dedicated to bringing education, resources, and encouragement to women interested in working in a skilled trade.  She was introduced to the […]

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