Welcome to the team: Antoine

Antoine Dixon, one of MAP’s newest team members, is excited for his role at The Mississippi Apprenticeship Program. Dixon will serve as MAP’s State Apprenticeship Expansion Specialist, and will work to improve Mississippi’s workforce by promoting and increasing the number of Registered Apprenticeship programs across the state. 

“My role within the Mississippi Apprenticeship Program,” Dixon says, “is to help expand Registered Apprenticeship programs and increase efforts to promote a better workforce within the state of Mississippi.” 

 Dixon says he’s looking forward to accomplishing three essential actions in his work: to build relationships, to create effective work plans, and to educate and support employers. 

“I look forward to building relationships between different institutions and business stakeholders interested in apprenticeship.” Dixon says, “ I want to create an effective work plan that caters to apprenticeship needs and helps programs to surpass goals set by The Office of Apprenticeship (OA). I also look forward to creating a bridge of support to apprentices and employers, so that they gain extensive knowledge of how apprenticeships can help sustain and transfer industry knowledge.”

Dixon’s previous work experience includes working for the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) which involved working with a variety of departments within MDA to assist community organizations with applying for grant funding. His previous experience has helped him develop essential networking and communications skills that are critical to his work with MAP. 

When asked what motivates him about his new job, Dixon had this to say: 

“I am motivated by contributing to the cause of helping different communities thrive through apprenticeship. It was hard for me to gain the experience needed to land my first career job, so it’s exciting for a program to exist for individuals who may currently be in that situation.”

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