Registered Apprenticeship Success Story: Westlake

Apprenticeship program success stories help us promote the tremendous value that these programs bring to employers, employees, and job seekers. Keep reading below for the answers from a recent success story: a Senior Training Specialist at Westlake.

What is your name, title, and the organization for which you work?

Crystal Andrus, Senior Training Specialist, Westlake

Describe your organization’s apprenticeship program? Please include the value the program brings to apprentices and the community?

Focusing our apprentice roles in the maintenance area, we felt as a manufacturing organization this best met our needs.

Describe your connection to the Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program? Please include why you believe RA is a critical workforce development solution.

It helped us as an organization because it was all new to us. It provides that structure and support to get started.

What are some successes you’ve experienced with the apprenticeship program? If possible, please include specific examples of successes.

One of the things that has been successful is starting to build those relationships with the local community colleges.

Why is apprenticeship important for people entering the workforce or looking for a new career opportunity?

It provides structure with both on the job training and the classroom piece with subject matter experts.

What would you say about apprenticeship programs to other business leaders who are considering starting a program?

Get started! It benefits both the apprentice and the organization at the end of the day.

What would you say to a student or job seeker who is thinking about pursuing an apprenticeship program?

Do your research of course to see what interests you. And ask the hard questions the schools and the organization.

How do you believe apprenticeship programs add to a vibrant workforce development culture in Mississippi? Please also share how you believe the RA program at your organization will contribute to creating a thriving local community?

We start to look at recruiting and hiring differently; which ultimately will create a more diverse workforce.

How do you or how are you planning to work with the Mississippi Apprenticeship Program?

Right we are just getting started but I keep connecting and asking questions.

Is there anything else you want to add?

Everyone I have talked to through MAP has been supportive throughout this whole process that is very much appreciated.

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