Registered Apprenticeship Success Story: AA Calibration

Apprenticeship program success stories help us promote the tremendous value that these programs bring to employers, employees, and job seekers. Keep reading below for the answers from a recent success story from the owner of AA Calibration, Mr. White.

What is your name, title, and the organization for which you work?

Larry W. White, CEO, AA Calibration Services, LLC

Describe your organization’s apprenticeship program? Please include the value the program brings to apprentices and the community?

We train apprentices the science of measuring in accordance with the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Describe your connection to the Registered Apprenticeship (RA) program? Please include why you believe RA is a critical workforce development solution.

Calibration Tech’s are in critical demand Nationally. We use the program to address the issue in Rural Mississippi.

What are some successes you’ve experienced with the apprenticeship program? If possible, please include specific examples of successes.

We have 2 traditional apprentices and partner with the local High school for 2 Students.

Why is apprenticeship important for people entering the workforce or looking for a new career opportunity?

Nationally there will always be a high demand for trained calibration techs and great pay.

What would you say about apprenticeship programs to other business leaders who are considering starting a program?

You will be rewarded and you will be rewarding.

What would you say to a student or job seeker who is thinking about pursuing an apprenticeship program?

Find a career you want and get paid as you learn the Job.

How do you believe apprenticeship programs add to a vibrant workforce development culture in Mississippi? Please also share how you believe the RA program at your organization will contribute to creating a thriving local community?

Training will keep tax payers here in a field that will not otherwise be in Mississippi.

How do you or how are you planning to work with the Mississippi Apprenticeship Program?

I am depending on the program manager to guide me.

Is there anything else you want to add?

With the help of MAP this program is going to be great for AA Calibration Services, LLC.

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