The Mississippi Apprenticeship Program, in conjunction with Mississippi’s community colleges, is a collaboration of the Mississippi Department of Employment Security and the Mississippi Development Authority, funded by the Department of Labor’s Apprenticeship USA Initiative. Learn more about each of our partners below.

The United States Department of Labor (DOL) launched the ApprenticeshipUSA initiative with the goal of doubling the number of Registered Apprenticeship(RA) programs nationwide. In 2016, Mississippi received one of 37 State Apprenticeship Expansion (SAE) grants to 36 states to grow Registered Apprenticeship programs. The effort is designed to expand and support a wide range of RA programs across a variety of industries. For more information on ApprenticeshipUSA, visit

The Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES) is committed to helping Mississippians find jobs and improving the workforce in our state. All of the organization’s activities are directed toward achieving those goals because every time a Mississippian gets a job or learns enhanced job skills, Mississippi becomes a better place for all of us.
Through its network of WIN Job Centers, MDES matches qualified, prospective employees with employers. MDES works to expand employment, improve workforce skills, and enhance productivity in our state.

The Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) is the state of Mississippi’s lead economic and community development agency, with approximately 300 employees engaged in providing services to businesses, communities, and workers throughout Mississippi. The agency works to recruit new business to the state while retaining and expanding existing Mississippi industry and business.
MDA also provides technical assistance to the state’s entrepreneurs, small businessmen and women, and oversees programs that support Mississippi’s minority and women-owned businesses. In addition, the agency provides Mississippi’s corporate citizens with export assistance, manages the state’s energy programs, and oversees programs that help its communities become more competitive.
Funding Opportunities
View the document for funding opportunities here:
Check out the development areas here:
South Delta Planning and Development District
P. O. Box 1776, Greenville, MS 38702
Phone: 662-335-6889, Contact: Mitzi Woods
Mississippi Partnership
Three Rivers Planning and Development District
P. O. Box 690, Pontotoc, MS 38863
Phone: 662-489-2415, Contact: Terry Treadaway
Southcentral Mississippi Works
Central Mississippi Planning and Development District
1020 Centre Pointe Blvd., Pearl, MS 39208
Phone: 601-981-1511, Contact: Dr. Robin Parker
Twin Districts
Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District
914 Sullivan Drive, Hattiesburg, MS
Phone: 601-545-2137, Contact: Patricia Morrison
1235 Echelon Pkwy
Jackson, MS 39213
(601) 321-6000

Today, I was proud to announce two initiatives to help further bolster our workforce development efforts and strengthen economic opportunities for all Mississippians.
— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) October 23, 2024
First, we are launching the Mississippi Apprenticeship Accelerator. This will be a partnership between…